The Concept of Monasticism [Rahbaniyat]: A Comparative Analysis with Islamic Teachings

Introduction to Monasticism [Rahbaniyat] in Religious Philosophy Table of contents Concept of Monasti…

Understanding the Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam

The concept of God varies across religions, shaping the beliefs and practices of followers. Hinduis…

The Question of Life After Death: Exploring Rational Standpoints and Faith

The question of life after death whether there is another life beyond it and what that life might b…

Examining Israel and Palestine’s Claims to the Holy Land: A Journey Through Religious, National, and Ethical Perspectives

an appeal to all just and fair-minded people to stand on the right side of history, supporting thos…

The Story of Prophet Moses (Musa A.S.) and His Search for Knowledge

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, we begin with the story of Prophet Musa (Moses …