The Story of Ashab-e-Kahf: Lessons of Faith and Perseverance

 Surah Kahf is a chapter of the Quran that holds significant importance, particularly because of the story of Ashab-e-Kahf (The Companions of the Cave). This story, filled with lessons of faith, courage, and divine protection, has been recited and revered by Muslims for centuries.


Story of Ashab-e-Kahf :Quran surah 18 Ayat 9-27

Story of Ashab-e-Kahf explained in Quran which is miraculous to those who deny the life will be regenerate in Aakhrat after the death in this world. 

Who Were the Ashab-e-Kahf?

The Ashab-e-Kahf were a group of young men who lived during the reign of a cruel and oppressive king named Daqiyanus. This king, who came after the time of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him), had deviated from the true religion and had imposed idol worship upon his people. Those who resisted or showed even a hint of belief in the true God faced harsh punishments, ranging from execution to burning. Despite the oppressive rule, these young men remained steadfast in their belief in Allah and the hereafter. However, they kept their faith hidden for fear of their lives.

The Decision to Seek Refuge

The young men, numbering around seven or eight (only Allah knows the exact number), were either courtiers or soldiers in the king’s court. They were aware that if their true faith was exposed, the king would surely punish them. Eventually, the king discovered that these men were not adhering to his imposed religion but were followers of the faith of Isa (peace be upon him). Realizing the danger, the young men decided to flee the city.

One early morning, before sunrise, they left the city and began their journey, seeking a place of refuge. On their way, they were joined by another man and a dog. Initially, the men were concerned that the dog might alert others by barking, but in a miraculous turn of events, the dog spoke to them, assuring that it would not be a burden and would remain under their protection. Convinced that this was a sign of divine support, the men took the dog along.

Seeking Shelter in the Cave

The group eventually found a cave in the mountains and decided to take shelter there. As they settled inside, Allah caused them to fall into a deep sleep, a sleep that was akin to death. They slept for a period of time that seemed like a brief moment to them, but in reality, it was much longer. Allah describes sleep as the "sister of death," a reminder of how closely linked our daily sleep is to the concept of passing away.

Meanwhile, the king, enraged by their escape, ordered a search for the young men. When he discovered their location, he commanded that the entrance of the cave be sealed with strong stones, effectively entombing them inside. His intention was to make it their grave, believing that this would be the end for those who defied his rule. However, the king was unaware that these young men were under the protection of Allah.

The Divine Miracle: 300 Years of Sleep

Time passed, kingdoms fell, and new ones rose. The oppressive rule of Daqiyanus eventually came to an end, just as the oppressive regimes before him, like those of Pharaoh and Nimrod, had crumbled. Three centuries later, a new king named Baidurus ascended to power. Unlike his predecessors, Baidurus was a righteous and pious ruler who believed in the hereafter. However, many of his subjects denied the concept of life after death. Despite his efforts to guide and reform them, they remained skeptical.

Every day, King Baidurus would pray to Allah, asking for a sign that would convince his people of the truth of the afterlife. In a miraculous answer to his prayers, Allah decided to awaken the Ashab-e-Kahf from their 300-year-long sleep.

The Awakening

When the young men awoke, they had no idea that centuries had passed. They began to discuss how long they might have been asleep. Observing the changes in their physical appearance, such as longer nails and hair, one of them wondered if they had slept for a very long time. Despite the confusion, they eventually decided to leave the matter to Allah, acknowledging that only He knew how long they had truly been asleep.

Feeling hungry, one of the men took some coins and decided to go to the city to buy food. However, they were cautious and instructed him to move discreetly, fearing that they might still be in danger if the king’s men recognized them.

Divine Wisdom in Time and Resurrection

The Quran mentions that the companions slept for 309 years. The difference in years between the lunar (Qamri) and solar (Shamsi) calendars accounts for this figure, as there are slight discrepancies in the length of a year between these two systems. Allah's divine knowledge and control over time are also highlighted here; He can stretch or condense time as He wills.

While the young men believed they had only slept for a short period, they were completely unaware that they had been preserved by Allah for over three centuries. This protection demonstrated Allah's power over life, death, and resurrection. For the pious, the concept of time can be altered, just as it will be on the Day of Judgment.

The Story of Ashab-e-Kahf: Encounter with the King and Revelation

When the young man left the cave to purchase food, he carried with him coins that were around 300 years old. Upon reaching the marketplace, he tried to buy food, but the shopkeeper was surprised by the outdated currency. The coins, different from those currently in use, raised suspicions. The shopkeeper questioned him about the coins, assuming they were from a hidden royal treasure. He reported this to the authorities, leading to the young man being apprehended and brought before the king.

The young man, upon interrogation, maintained his innocence, asserting that the money was not stolen and belonged to them. This puzzled the king and those present. However, the just and knowledgeable king, Baidurus, listened carefully and asked for a complete account of their story. The young man explained how they had sought refuge from a former tyrant king, Daqyanus, who persecuted them for their faith and tried to force them to convert. Instead, they fled and took shelter in a cave. Now, they had emerged after centuries of sleep.

Baidurus' Realization and the Miracle Unfolds

The king, Baidurus, was well-versed in the history and legends of his land. He knew of the accounts that spoke of a tyrant who had chased a group of devout young men, causing them to seek refuge in a cave. Realizing that these were the same youths, Baidurus, alongside his soldiers, accompanied the young man back to the cave. Upon arrival, the other companions inside feared they were all about to be captured due to the young man’s capture.

As they approached, Baidurus saw the youths in their unchanged state—long hair, long nails, and a general appearance indicating they had been in deep sleep for centuries. The inscriptions on the cave walls narrated their story, confirming their identity. It was then that King Baidurus, along with his entire assembly, prostrated in awe and gratitude, acknowledging the power of Allah who preserved these youths for over 300 years.

Significance of the Incident: Faith in the Afterlife

The event served as a miraculous sign, reinforcing faith in the hereafter. The story of Ashab-e-Kahf (People of the Cave) became a testament to Allah's power to bring the dead back to life. As highlighted, if Allah can create a human from a mere drop, bringing someone back to life from ashes or even air on the Day of Judgment is no difficulty for Him. The king and the people saw this incident as divine proof of resurrection and an affirmation of life after death.

Allah’s Protection Over the Ashab-e-Kahf

After the incident, Allah caused the youths to fall into a deep sleep once more, ensuring they were not disturbed. It is said that they continue to rest in the cave, still under Allah's protection. The Qur’an mentions how the sun would rise and shift slightly so that no direct sunlight would disturb them. Similarly, at sunset, the sun would move in a way that neither heat nor cold affected them, keeping them in a state of perfect rest.

A Visit to the Cave of Ashab-e-Kahf

There are many claims about the exact location of the cave where the Ashab-e-Kahf rested. One such claim is the cave in Jordan, which many tourists visit. However, the speaker expressed doubt that this is the actual cave, explaining that if anyone were to approach the real cave, they would feel an overwhelming fear that would drive them away, as mentioned in the Qur’an. There are other sites across Arabia claimed to be the Cave of Ashab-e-Kahf, but they may have been created for tourism purposes.

Miraculous Events Surrounding the Cave

During the era of Hazrat Ameer Muawiya, a group of companions attempted to approach what they believed was the true cave of Ashab-e-Kahf. A mysterious fire emerged from the cave, scaring them off. This incident reinforced the belief that the true location is still protected by divine forces, making it impossible for ordinary people to enter.

The Preservation of the Ashab-e-Kahf

After the king recognized the youths and the miracle that had unfolded, he ordered their bodies to be placed in golden coffins and kept inside the cave. However, the youths appeared in his dream and requested to be moved to simple wooden coffins instead. Respecting their wishes, the king ordered the coffins to be replaced, and the cave was sealed once again.

Annual Gathering and Building of a Mosque

In honor of the Ashab-e-Kahf, the people would gather once a year at the site of the cave. They even built a mosque near the location to remember the pious youths. This annual gathering was not just a tribute but a spiritual event, where people would reflect on the miracles and virtues of those who had steadfastly upheld their faith.

Urs: Annual Remembrance

This event can be likened to the concept of Urs (annual commemoration), where people gather to remember saints and pious figures. The speaker clarified that while Urs is indeed supported by historical precedents like that of the Ashab-e-Kahf, it must be conducted respectfully. It is a sin to engage in inappropriate activities during such commemorations, but gathering for Qur'anic recitation and remembrance is a commendable practice.

Other Instances of Divine Preservation

The story of the Ashab-e-Kahf is not an isolated instance of divine protection and preservation. The Qur’an and various religious texts provide numerous examples where Allah has shown His might by preserving His servants, showcasing His absolute control over life and time.

The Story of Ashab-e-Kahf and Its Profound Lessons

Faith and Resilience in the Face of Persecution

The narrative of Ashab-e-Kahf, as described in the Quran, is a story of unwavering faith and divine protection. These were a group of young men who chose to flee from their homeland to protect their faith. Faced with persecution and forced conversion, they took refuge in a cave to escape from a tyrant king, known as Daqianus, who sought to impose his beliefs on them.

The Quran mentions how Allah guided these youths and provided them safety and sustenance. Despite being common youths, their belief in Allah granted them extraordinary divine protection. They remained hidden in the cave for 300 years, preserved by the command of Allah, who controlled the elements — the sun, the wind, and the seasons — to shield them from harm.

The Currency and Discovery of Their Presence

As the story progresses, one of the youths ventured out to purchase food after the long period of sleep, using coins that were 300 years old. The shopkeeper was puzzled by the ancient currency and suspected that the youth had discovered a hidden royal treasure. This led to the youth being apprehended and taken to the king, Baidurus, who was a just and knowledgeable ruler.

The king, upon hearing the youth's story, realized that these were the same individuals who had been mentioned in historical accounts from centuries ago. Intrigued, he sought to meet the rest of the companions and learn more about this miraculous event.

Verification and Prostration: The Acknowledgment of Allah’s Power

When the king, along with his retinue, reached the cave, he found the companions exactly as the youth had described. Their long hair and nails, along with their unchanged bodies, confirmed the authenticity of the story. The king and his people fell in prostration, acknowledging the power of Allah. This event became a significant reminder of Allah's ability to bring the dead back to life, reinforcing the belief in the Day of Judgment and the resurrection.

Divine Signs: The Role of the Dog and the Miracle of Preservation

One of the fascinating aspects of the Ashab-e-Kahf story is the mention of their dog, who was also preserved alongside them. The Quran describes how the dog sat at the entrance of the cave, protecting them. Despite being an animal traditionally seen as impure, the dog’s association with the righteous companions granted it an honored place in this divine narrative. It is even mentioned that the dog will be among the select few animals allowed entry into Paradise.

The story illustrates how the companionship of the righteous can elevate even the most unlikely of beings. It emphasizes that proximity to people of faith and righteousness can lead to salvation, regardless of one's status.

The Historical Significance of the Cave and the Concept of Urs

King Baidurus and his people, after witnessing the miraculous signs, built a mosque near the cave to honor the memory of the Ashab-e-Kahf. This became a place where people would gather annually to remember these young men and their steadfastness. This gathering, which can be seen as a form of Urs, signifies the remembrance of righteous individuals and their virtues, a practice that has roots in Islamic tradition.

The annual gathering highlighted how communities can benefit spiritually by reflecting on the virtues and sacrifices of the righteous. However, it is essential that such gatherings remain free from un-Islamic practices such as music, dancing, and other inappropriate activities.

Misinterpretations and the True Location of the Cave

Despite the significance of the cave of Ashab-e-Kahf, there have been misunderstandings regarding its actual location. In modern times, certain sites have been commercialized and promoted as the cave of Ashab-e-Kahf to attract tourists. However, as noted, the true cave, by divine decree, is meant to remain hidden. When companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) attempted to locate it, they were deterred by a miraculous fire, signifying that the cave should not be disturbed or exposed.

The story cautions against blindly believing in commercialized religious sites without verifying their authenticity.

Lessons from the Dog of Ashab-e-Kahf

The presence of the dog in this story holds profound lessons. It highlights how the company one keeps can greatly impact one's fate. Despite being a dog, an animal generally seen as impure, it was honored in the Quran because of its association with the righteous companions. This teaches that even animals can attain a special status through their proximity to the righteous. Similarly, people should strive to surround themselves with virtuous individuals, as this can lead to spiritual elevation and closeness to Allah.

The narrative also mentions other animals that will be rewarded in the Hereafter due to their association with prophets and saints, such as the camel of Saleh (A.S.) and the donkey of Hazrat Uzair (A.S.).

The Symbol of Resurrection and the Day of Judgment

Ultimately, the story of Ashab-e-Kahf is a powerful reminder of Allah’s control over life and death. It serves as a sign of the Day of Judgment and the resurrection, affirming that just as Allah preserved the companions in the cave, He has the power to bring the dead back to life. This lesson reinforces the belief that everything in the universe is under the command of Allah, and He can alter the course of events in ways that are beyond human comprehension.

Through this story, believers are reminded to place their trust in Allah’s wisdom and to understand that divine help can arrive in the most unexpected forms. Whether it is through the sun’s rays bending to avoid them or a dog standing guard, Allah’s mercy encompasses all who seek refuge in Him.


The tale of Ashab-e-Kahf, with its elements of faith, divine intervention, and miraculous preservation, offers numerous lessons for those who reflect. It underscores the importance of firm belief, righteous company, and the certainty of the Hereafter. By contemplating this narrative, one can appreciate the profound wisdom embedded in these ancient events, which continue to inspire faith and perseverance in the hearts of believers around the world.