Muslim Civilization |
The Importance of Understanding the Law of Rise and Fall
The rise and fall is an unchanging phenomenon in this world. Everything in existence aspires to rise and embarks on that journey, but every rise is destined to eventually succumb to decline. This is such a self-evident truth that it requires no argument to prove it. Human existence itself is its greatest testimony. We come into this world as a fragile piece of flesh, born from a mother’s womb, a being that embodies helplessness. Even the human who goes on to create masterpieces of poetry and literature, in this early stage, can express nothing but meaningless cries.
However, this very helpless human, when provided with proper nourishment and protection, grows and develops. They learn to sit and stand, laugh and speak, walk and run, play and fight. They progress through stages of education and training, and their consciousness conquers new realms of awareness. After crossing the threshold of childhood, they enter the realm of adolescence. The child who once only used to demand begins to assist in the responsibilities of their parents.
In this relentless struggle, youth eventually knocks on the door. The individual discovers a new world of emotions and feelings. An endless reservoir of energy begins to surge from within, and life is seen in a way it never was before, and never will be again. They dream of reaching the stars, aiming for the heights of greatness. Every obstacle seems trivial, and every challenge becomes easy in the face of their lofty ambitions. They carve out a place in society, seek a path for their livelihood, and their immense strength drives them to leave their mark on the world.
To achieve this, they build a family and take on the immense responsibilities that come with it. Now, they become the protector of new lives. But during this time, the shadow of decline subtly begins to cast over their rise. The iron strength of youth slowly starts to rust with the white marks of old age. Weakness grows, gradually rendering them frail and feeble. Eventually, they reach a point where they realize that the dark night of decline is becoming eternal. Their spirit falters, and ailments they once ignored now surrounded them from all sides. Diseases they never gave a second thought to become a constant affliction. No food provides vitality anymore, nor does any medicine restore health. in the end, this ailing person succumbs to death, descending into the valley of oblivion. Thus, the story of rise and fall reaches its inevitable conclusion. Regarding the law of rise and fall, which operates uniformly in the realms of inanimate objects, plants, animals, and humanity, two key points must be kept in mind. First, as illustrated in the previous example, this process occurs gradually. Second, many factors either strengthen or weaken it. This is because the world operates within the framework of cause and effect. Like everything else, the law of rise and fall also emerges under the veil of specific causes. Behind every rise, there are certain defined reasons, and similarly, every fall is rooted in certain foundations. If, for some reason, these causes are disrupted, the course and sequence of events can change. As a result, death can occur in childhood, while offspring can be born in old age. A young person might appear frail, while an elderly person may retain the vitality of youth. Whether we are aware of the law of rise and fall or not, we are certainly bound by it. Like everything else, the nation to which we belong and the society of which we are a part are also travelers on this same path. A nation goes through various stages much like an individual. There are differences in the details, of course, but in principle, this phenomenon inevitably occurs in the life of a nation as well. We will elaborate on this further, but at this point, the question arises: what is the significance of understanding this in the context of national life? So now it clear that, the rise and fall of nations in this world operate under certain divine principles, but the real question is: what difference does it make whether we know this fact or not? The fact is that this world is created by God, and the only way to live and progress in it is by aligning with the laws established by Him. Those who adopt this approach succeed, while those who oppose it face destruction. The same applies to the law of rise and fall for nations, which is also established by God. It is impossible for any nation to be exempt from this law, but the nations that understand it, along with the underlying causes and factors at work, ascend to greatness more swiftly and with greater strength. Their period of prosperity is prolonged, and the onset of their decline is delayed as much as possible. In the future, we will discuss certain Western nations and show how, in the modern era, their awareness of this law has enabled them to delay the natural process of decline.To understand the importance of knowing the law of rise and fall, let’s view it from another perspective. As we have previously mentioned, this law takes effect gradually within nations. The rise or fall of a nation does not occur overnight; rather, the nation passes through various stages during this process. It is beyond the ability of the common people to observe and determine the nation’s current stage. This is the responsibility of the leaders—to recognize the nation's phase and, accordingly, set goals and devise a course of action. For example, parents do not expect their child to marry and bring grandchildren into the family while still a child. Similarly, no one hands over their business to an inexperienced young boy, as it would most likely result in failure. However, in the case of nations, short-sighted leaders often make the same mistake. Due to their ignorance of the nation's stage of life, they set goals far beyond its capacity. A nation that has yet to find its footing is thrust into a contest against much stronger nations. The result is inevitable failure.
Moreover, leaders who lack understanding of the true foundations of a nation's rise and fall are unable to correctly diagnose its problems or provide proper solutions. They fail to offer adequate nourishment or timely remedies. As a result, the nation weakens, its foundations hollow out, yet no one notices. A sick nation is called to battle, and a frail, immature child is pushed to lead the world. What happens next needs no explanation. A glance at the Muslim world, tells the rest of the story.
In summary, just as a clear understanding of a nation’s circumstances is essential to set it on the path of progress, so too is a deep awareness of the divine law governing the rise and fall of nations. In the following pages, we will explore the various aspects of this law that we learn from the study of history, and which are directly relevant to our own nation.
The Phases of Rise and Fall in the Life of Nations
The study of history reveals that no single nation holds power forever on this earth. It has never happened that God permanently assigned governance and authority to one race, ethnicity, group, family, or nation. Various nations and peoples have inhabited different parts of the world, varying in strength and dominance. Some nations grow so powerful compared to their contemporaries that they gain supremacy over neighboring nations. Their dominance increases to such an extent that, in modern terms, they become the "superpower" of their time. No one dares challenge them, and the rest of the world only carries on with their affairs by securing peace with them.
However, after a certain period, even these powerful nations experience decline. The seat of the superpower becomes vacant for another to fill. Some may think that the existence of one or more superpowers is a phenomenon unique to the present era, but this is not true. This process began when humans first started living in groups, and it continues to this day. The Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks, Europeans, Russians, and now Americans—all are links in the same chain of rise and fall.
In addition to superpowers, other nations also pass through the cycle of rise and fall, though they do not hold as prominent a place in world history. This is largely because the rise and fall of such nations often depends on the superpowers of their time. However, every nation still has its own history, with a defined beginning. It progresses through stages of development, climbs the ladder of success, and eventually reaches its peak. After a certain point, it too experiences decline. As we mentioned earlier, this rise and fall is a gradual process. Therefore, it is crucial to first determine, with certainty, the stages a nation passes through during its rise and fall, and to understand the conditions it faces at each stage.
It is important to clarify that not every nation necessarily goes through all of these stages in the same way. In any historical process, there are numerous factors and dynamics at play that are difficult to fully capture. These factors change with time, circumstances, and the people involved. Thus, each historical phase manifests differently in each nation. In some cases, these stages are very clear, while in others, they are more obscure. Some nations experience these stages over a long period, while for others, the process is much shorter.
We will attempt to explain the stages of a nation's life by providing examples from the histories of nations where these stages are clearly visible, and whose circumstances are generally well-known to people.
The rise and fall of nations is a complex and perpetual process that has occurred throughout history across various civilizations and societies. This process follows a natural law, easily understood through the study of human history.
This is the initial phase when a nation is in its infancy, and its identity has yet to solidify. During this time, the foundational elements of the nation come together, and the collective psychology of the people begins to take shape, much like the early stages of ancient Egyptian civilization.
The Construction and Identity Stage
After formation, the nation starts building its identity and developing characteristics that set it apart from other nations. National sentiments awaken during this period, and the people strive toward greatness. This stage is marked by a surge of effort and enthusiasm to establish a lasting legacy.
The Development and Stability Stage
This phase marks the nation’s ascent to prosperity and strength. The economy, military, culture, and intellectual achievements reach new heights. In the Islamic world, the eras of the Umayyads and Abbasids exemplify how nations can achieve remarkable progress during this period of growth and consolidation.
The Peak of Power and Glory Stage
Here, the nation emerges as a global superpower, exerting influence far and wide, as seen during the height of the Abbasid Caliphate. The nation’s dominance in cultural, intellectual, and economic spheres begins to shape the world around it, leaving a profound impact on other nations and civilizations.
The Decline Stage
After reaching the zenith of power, nations inevitably face decline. This phase is often characterized by indulgence, complacency, and moral decay. As a result, the nation drifts away from its core values, leading to political, social, and economic instability. The Ottoman Empire, after the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, witnessed such a decline.
The cycle of rise and fall continues in the life of every nation, as history attests. No nation remains perpetually powerful, nor is any nation doomed to perpetual decline. Following the laws of nature, nations rise to power in their time and eventually, with the passage of time, begin to falter. This process, deeply ingrained in the annals of history, is a natural law that can be readily understood through the study of human civilizations and their histories.
The rise and fall of nations is a natural cycle observed throughout history. God created many civilizations, all of which saw both glory and decline due to their actions. These nations, led astray by their desires, faced divine punishment for their transgressions.
Some Apparent Causes for the Decline of the Muslim Ummah
Today, the Muslim Ummah finds itself treading a similar path, facing decline despite once standing tall among the most advanced civilizations. From their earliest days, Muslims excelled in various fields, producing scholars, scientists, and thinkers who not only contributed to their society but illuminated the entire world. The foundation of this greatness was laid by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), whose teachings transformed uncivilized tribes into rulers of a global empire. His character and guidance inspired countless individuals to rise above their baser instincts and strive for excellence in all aspects of life. Muslim contributions in fields like astronomy, chemistry, psychology, and many others are testament to this glorious past. However, today, those very contributions are being used against Muslims by Western powers.
While it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when the decline of the Muslim world began, there are clear reasons behind the current state of disarray and degradation. The following are some key factors contributing to the Muslim world’s downfall:
Abandonment of the Qur'an
One of the most critical causes of the Muslim world’s decline is the abandonment of the Qur'an. This Holy Book was revealed as a source of guidance for all humanity, as Allah said in its opening, "a guidance for mankind" هدا للناس (Hudan lil Nas). However, Muslims today have distanced themselves from this divine revelation. The Qur'an, instead of being a book of daily guidance, has been relegated to a decorative object, often placed on shelves and seldom read, understood, or implemented in daily life. This neglect is the greatest disservice Muslims have done to themselves. The Qur'an was meant to be a living guide, but today, many view it as something that only scholars can interpret, distancing the average Muslim from its teachings.
Deviation from the Core Principles of Islam
The second major reason for the decline of the Muslim Ummah is the deviation from Islam’s core principles. Muslims have, over time, selectively adopted only those aspects of Islam that they find convenient, leaving behind the more challenging duties. The comprehensive system of life that Islam brought has been confined to the mosque, leaving the social, political, and economic realms to be governed by secular or other ideologies. Islam, which once guided every aspect of life, has now become limited to rituals and worship, neglecting the larger responsibilities that come with being the 'Best of nations' (خير امت) and the 'Middle nation' (امت وسط).
Sectarianism and Division
Perhaps one of the most pressing issues facing Muslims today is the division within the Ummah. Sectarianism has fragmented the Muslim community to the point where trivial differences are used to justify hate and violence. The emphasis on minor jurisprudential differences has overshadowed the essential unity of the Ummah. Allama Iqbal famously asked, Sectarian strife has led to a situation where Muslim nations and communities are more concerned with internal disputes than the external threats facing them. As the Prophet (PBUH) warned, the Ummah is being devoured by other nations, much like wolves descending upon a feast. Today, Muslims lack a unified, strong voice on the global stage, leaving them vulnerable to external manipulation and oppression. The sectarian divisions are so deep that entire neighborhoods are split based on the sect of the local mosque, whether Sunni, Shia, Hanafi, Shafi'i, or Salafi. In some extreme cases, marriages are deemed invalid simply because the officiating cleric belonged to a different sect. This sectarian mentality has crippled the unity of the Muslim world, making it easier for external forces to exploit and oppress Muslim communities worldwide.
Intellectual and Educational Decline
At one time, Muslims led the world in scientific research, philosophical thought, and cultural development. Scholars like Ibn Sina, Al-Khwarizmi, and Al-Farabi laid the foundations for modern science, medicine, and mathematics. Today, however, the Muslim world lags far behind in education and intellectual development. This educational stagnation is one of the most significant factors contributing to the decline of the Muslim Ummah.
The Muslim world was once guided by the command of Allah, "Read!" (Iqra), the first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Yet, despite this emphasis on learning, Muslims today are among the most educationally backward people. The crisis is not only in terms of academic education but also religious understanding. While some Muslims focus exclusively on religious studies without understanding the world's realities, others pursue secular education without any grounding in Islamic principles. This division between "religious" and "worldly" knowledge has led to a situation where religious scholars often lack the practical skills to address contemporary issues, and secularly educated Muslims are disconnected from their faith.
If Muslims had integrated both fields of knowledge—religious and worldly—they would have produced experts in sociology, law, politics, and science, all grounded in Islamic values. The Muslim world needs scholars who can address global challenges from an Islamic perspective and leaders who combine modern knowledge with a deep understanding of Islam. Without this intellectual revival, the Muslim Ummah will continue to fall behind.
Lack of Unity and Cooperation
Another critical issue facing the Muslim Ummah is the lack of unity and cooperation among Muslim-majority countries. Despite having vast resources, both human and natural, the Muslim world has been unable to leverage these assets for the betterment of its people. Internal conflicts, political instability, and external interference have left Muslim nations divided and weak.
This division is not limited to national borders; it also exists within Muslim communities. Instead of working together to uplift the Ummah, many Muslims are preoccupied with petty rivalries and disputes. For example, in many Muslim-majority countries, societal divisions based on class, ethnicity, or sect prevent meaningful cooperation. Rather than focusing on shared goals and the collective well-being of the Ummah, Muslims are often consumed by personal or group interests.
Materialism and Complacency
One of the consequences of the Muslim world’s decline has been an increase in materialism and complacency. In the early days of Islam, Muslims were known for their simplicity, hard work, and dedication to their faith. However, as the Ummah grew in wealth and power, many Muslims became more concerned with worldly pleasures and comforts than with fulfilling their religious duties.
The pursuit of wealth and status has led to a situation where many Muslims prioritize material success over spiritual and moral development. This shift in values has weakened the moral fabric of Muslim societies, making them more susceptible to corruption, injustice, and oppression. As the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned, one of the greatest threats to the Ummah is the love of this world and the fear of death, as written in hadith قال رسول الله ﷺ: «يُوشِكُ الأُمَمُ أن تَداعى عليكم كما تَداعى الأَكَلَةُ إلى قَصْعَتِها». فقال قائل: «ومِن قِلَّةٍ نحن يومئذ؟» قال: «بل أنتم يومئذٍ كثير، ولكنكم غُثاءٌ كغُثاءِ السَّيل، ولَيَنزِعَنَّ اللهُ من صدورِ عدوِّكم المهابةَ منكم، وليقذفَنَّ في قلوبِكم الوهن». قال قائل: «يا رسول الله، وما الوهن؟» قال: «حُبُّ الدنيا وكراهيةُ الموت. he Prophet (ﷺ) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.
Today, many Muslims have become complacent, focusing more on personal gain than on the collective welfare of the Ummah.
Failure of Leadership
The lack of strong, visionary leadership is another significant factor in the decline of the Muslim Ummah. Throughout history, Muslim leaders played a crucial role in guiding their people and upholding justice. From the righteous caliphs to great Muslim rulers like Salahuddin Ayyubi, leadership was a key factor in the strength and success of the Muslim world.
Today, however, many Muslim leaders are more concerned with maintaining power than with serving their people. Corruption, nepotism, and a lack of accountability have become rampant in many Muslim-majority societies & countries. This failure of leadership has left the Muslim world vulnerable to external manipulation and internal strife. Without strong, ethical leaders who prioritize the well-being of their people, the Muslim Ummah will continue to struggle.
The article discusses the natural law of rise and fall, highlighting that all nations, like individuals, experience growth, peak, and eventual decline. It examines the reasons behind the decline of the Muslim world, The decline of the Muslim Ummah is the result of multiple factors, including the abandonment of the Qur'an, deviation from Islamic principles, sectarianism, educational backwardness, disunity, materialism, and weak leadership. However, the current state of the Ummah is not irreversible. The Muslim world has the potential to rise again, just as it did in the past. But this will require a return to the core teachings of Islam, a revival of intellectual and educational pursuits, and a renewed commitment to unity and cooperation. Muslims must recognize their past mistakes, learn from them, and work towards rebuilding a society based on justice, knowledge, and faith. This will not be an easy task, but with the guidance of the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Muslim Ummah can once again reclaim its rightful place as a leader in the world. May Allah guide us all towards the path of righteousness and grant us the strength to fulfill our duties as members of the Ummah. Amen.
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